24 May 2023

show poster

VRDT Showreel — Free Download

We've updated our VR Dome Theater Showreel 360°, with samples of all the shows we offer. Try it out for streaming or download to play on your device.

Check it out!

1 January 2023

show poster

An immersive music video collaboration by BÓSA and Axon Genesis...


The flight of the phoenix!

Wayha is an immersive music video set to the tribal world sounds of BÓSA, taking viewers on a fantastic journey following the migratory flight of the phoenix. Representing a celebration of rebirth and renewal, Wayha is a music-visual exploration of our deep connection with nature and the cycles that continuously bring life into the world.

We've also got some good deals on long-term licenses going on the Loch Ness Productions website.


Here's last year's news, if you haven't been here for a while and want to catch up.

Mark C. Petersen, webmaster